
Mesh & Bar are committed to an environmentally sustainable future and to achieve that goal we have been granted certification to the Steel Sustainability Australia (SSA) certification program to Level L2A. You can find details around our certification in the Supplier Listing on the SSA website (

The SSA certification program engages all elements of the Steel supply chain to establish best practice in sustainable operations in steel manufacturing, fabrication and processing.

For more information on Mesh & Bar’s work in this program, you can contact the local manager in your region, or for more information regarding the SSA certification program please see this link.

Environmental Policy

At Mesh & Bar we understand the responsibility we have for the effect our operations have on both the local and global environment.

In our pursuit for sustainable practices, we aim to source our steel products from Steel Mills which utilise scrap metal in their Electric Arc Furnaces and are accredited to the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems.

Similarly, these Steel Mills have procedure and practices that comply with the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA). The GBCA is an organisation created to encourage sustainable production, design and fabrication in the use of steel as a building material.

Quality Policy

Mesh & Bar Pty Ltd is a leading independent manufacturer, supplier and marketer of Steel reinforcing products, accessories and associated services.
Our commitment to quality is supported by the following intents:

  • We intend to fully understand and accommodate the requirements and needs of our clients to the fullest degree possible
  • We int end to produce steel reinforcing product s to AS/ NZS 46 71, and to deliver the required products and ser vices as defect free as is possible
  • We will measure our improvement by a process of continually reviewing our performance against key quality related indices

Mesh & Bar’s Quality Management System is based upon the concept and commitment to continually improve and is further based upon the requirements and principles of ISO 9001 :2015.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

It is the policy of Mesh & Bar Pty Ltd to provide a safe and healthy work environment that protects the welfare of all employees, visitors and contractors who may be affected by the operations of Mesh & Bar Pty Ltd.
The company accepts the health and safety of its employees is primarily its responsibility and therefore undertakes to:

  • Train, instruct and supervise all employees in safe work practices and seeks the full support and co-operation of all employees
  • Provide a safe working environment
  • Ensure all plant and machinery are provided and maintained in a safe condition.
  • Ongoing consultation and involvement with employees on health and safety issues.

Our Commitment:

  • Senior Management will meet its obligations to the Act, Regulations, Codes and Standards, by preparing a Workplace Health and Safety Plan appropriate to the management of health and safety at all work sites.
  • Supervisors are committed to implementing and monitoring good health and safety practices in their specific area of operation.
  • All employees have a personal responsibility to their employer, their fellow workers, themselves and the general public to adopt and maintain appropriate health and safety standards in all their work activities.

Our Safety program includes but is not limited to:

  • Identifying hazards at work sites using risk management procedures
  • Assessing the risks that may result from hazards
  • Preparing written control measures to prevent, or minimise, the level of risks
  • Inspecting, monitoring, and reviewing the implementation and effectiveness of the safety program
  • Establishing a reporting system so that supervisors and management are quickly informed
  • Involving personnel in discussions and decisions that improve health and safety conditions
  • Rehabilitation assists the healing process and helps restore the workers normal function sooner, and thus has a suitably qualified rehabilitation and return to work co-ordinator

At all times the company will maintain health and safety as a priority, and will not knowingly demand or expect any person to participate in any activities which are likely to be detrimental to their health and safety.